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   Growing up in San Diego, California, I developed a passion for the printed word with my very first Dick and Jane reader. I read it aloud to everybody in the house, including two captive kittens, one under each arm, and then I read it backwards! As soon as I figured out that somebody must create those words, I knew I wanted to be a "book maker" when I grew up. I didn't wait, though; I wrote my first story, "Judy and the Fairies," when I was six and never stopped.

    My love of books also led me to an MLS degree from UCLA and a career as a reference and collection development librarian at the San Diego Public Library, including twenty-two years managing the Central Library's fiction collection. Retirement allowed me to put writing front and center. Although I also enjoy reading biography, memoir, and history, fiction remains my first love. In addition to the three R’s—reading, writing, and research—I enjoy Scrabble, movies, and travel.
   My stories have been published in numerous journals, including Eclectica, Thema Literary Journal, The Avalon Literary Review, The Binnacle, The Nassau Review, and Orbis, and in the anthologies Short Story America, Vol. 2, The Captive and the Dead, Australia Burns, and 2023 in a Flash. Four stories, including one as yet unpublished, received honorable mention in the Short Story America Prize for Short Fiction contests. The Wild Rose Press has published a sweet romance, Bridges (2022), four romantic suspense novels, Love, Death, and the Art of Cooking (2021), Guilty Knowledge (2020), The Rebound Effect (2019) and Seventeen Days (2018), a collection of contemporary romance novellas, Reluctant Hearts (2023), a suspense novella, The Axe (2023),  a ghost story romance, Stonebridge (2023), and its sequel, Beyond Stonebridge (2024). 


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Member of Authors Guild and Sisters in Crime

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